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Vianna Stibal

FAQs about the founder of ThetaHealing, Vianna Stibal

Written by ThetaHealing Headquarters
Updated over 7 months ago

Who is Vianna Stibal?

Vianna Stibal is a renowned spiritual teacher who teaches her spiritual philosophy and meditation technique, ThetaHealing®, throughout the world. After witnessing a healing on her own 9-inch tumor nearly 20 years ago, she discovered that emotions and beliefs affect us on a core, genetic, history, and soul level. She developed a process to find out how we believe, why we believe, how we create problems and illness in our lives, how to change them, and how to understand The Creator’s true plan, and create the reality we desire. Her technique takes the brain to a deep brain theta state instantaneously. Using this state, she teaches her students to reestablish their connection with Creator. Through this connection, she teaches how to facilitate physical, mental and emotional changes. She teaches that we are sparks of God and shows how we each create our own reality and how everything in our life has and will serve a purpose. Vianna teaches you how to identify those purposes, understand yourself and create the reality you want.

Do you have proof you had a tumor or problem with your leg?

Of course I do, I am a Capricorn. Besides all the witnesses, I have records, x-rays and MRI’s. 2008 was the first time anyone asked me to see them. I now show them at some of my seminars.

Vianna are you Anti- Doctor?

No. I like most doctors and many times recommend one go to a doctor. Many of my close friends are doctors and their insight can be very beneficial. The ThetaHealing technique has many doctors in different backgrounds that practice the technique.

I heard about ThetaHealing and you have been taken to court.

Thank you for your concern, kindness, love and support. The court case in question is actually very old.

I do want you to know however, that ThetaHealing nor I have ever been legally accused or taken to court over criminal fraud. ThetaHealing has never actually been on trial. This false info is called spin (misinformation.) However I have been sued for a contract dispute. I have also gone to court many times for trademark infringement ‘s (me fighting for our trade-mark) and a slander suit that I filed the suit was against people who were slandering ThetaHealing.

The case in question was a civil contract dispute that I had with one of my students. The question was brought up in court whether I had proof of a diagnosis of cancer. The question was not whether I had cancer and God healed it, they wanted me to prove the word diagnosis. Even though I presented documents, X-rays, and an expert witness the first stage of the case did not go well. I did not know it at the time that this was against my constitutional rights and first amendment rights. I did know that the courts were prejudiced towards me so I had to appeal it with the Idaho Supreme Court in which I went back and won almost 90% of the case.

If you see any summary of the case from the Idaho Supreme Court the first three pages do not read well and if you continue to read it you will find that I ended up winning it back. Even though I won 90% of the case, the Idaho Supreme Court ignored my constitutional rights, so I prepared it for a federal appeal with the United States Supreme Court.

In the Idaho Supreme Court findings you will also find a huge, undeniable prejudice towards me. This was because I was not involved in the communities basic religion. As you read it you will also observe that the Idaho Supreme Court chastised both attorneys for bringing this case to court in the first place.

But, I do want to thank you for your love and concern, but this was a long time ago and I know many of my older teachers loved and support me through this discriminating court case.

If you would like a more detailed explanation or if you’re interested in the true drama of this life experience you can read more by clicking here.

What seminars are taught by Vianna Stibal?

Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing technique teaches all ThetaHealing Instructors seminars. She will occassionally teach practitioners seminars of the new information she channels, but most ThetaHealing Practitioners seminars are taught by Certified Independent ThetaHealing Instructors.

All the Instructor seminars are taught exclusively by Vianna or her children.

What books do you suggest?

There are many great books out there. I think any book that catches your attention and is beneficial to you is great. I really like Joseph Murphy, Power of the Subconscious Mind and think this is a great place to start for learning about your subconscious. I am adding many new books to the site that my teachers have written and books that I think are enjoyable and useful to read.

Does Vianna Take appointments?

Vianna herself is not currently taking appointments at this time; she is traveling and teaching. In between traveling and after her classes she does occasionally see terminally sick patients and sick children. You can contact our office and put your name on a list to be notified if and when she decides to take appointments. You can contact anyone of our Certified ThetaHealers® on the website and they can assist you with an appointment. We suggest that you call a few and see which one works the best with your energy.

Vianna created the Atanaha Prayer site you can add your name to. This site is dedicated to sending unconditional love every night to those on the site. Read more on our website

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