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Getting Started as an Instructor

What you'll need to know to become a ThetaHealing Certified Instructor

Written by ThetaHealing Headquarters
Updated over 3 months ago
  • What are the basic requirements for becoming a ThetaHealing Instructor? What are the prerequisite courses?

    • First, you must take the required Practitioner Courses: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator

    • Once you've taken the above Practitioner Courses, then you need to take Instructor Courses: Basic DNA Instructor

  • Do I have to sign a contract to teach ThetaHealing®?

    • `Yes, ThetaHealing teachers agree to instruct at the highest level of respect and integrity for the ThetaHealing practice, and not to mix or dilute it with any other practices during ThetaHealing seminars.

  • Finding and Registering for Seminars (Courses are taught via Seminars)

    • Visit the Seminar Search or sign in and visit your My Theta Learning page

      • On My Theta Learning, courses you've already completed are marked with a check

    • Find the next course in your journey. Start with Basic DNA, then Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, then You and the Creator. From there you are ready for your first Instructor course with Vianna. Search for Basic DNA Instructors Seminars to find an event near you.

  • Certification: As soon as you've completed all the prerequisite courses and have finished your last day of Basic DNA Instructors from Vianna, you'll be a Certified Basic DNA Instructor. From there you can continue your journey with Advanced DNA Instructor, Dig Deeper Instructor and so on. Instructor courses follow the same progression as Practitioner courses.

  • Why become a Certified Instructor? Only Certified ThetaHealing Instructors are authorized to teach the ThetaHealing technique. If you want to help guide others in how to practice, you should become Certified so that you can lead your own seminars and begin teaching others.

  • What new site features does Instructor Certification provide me?

    • Once you are a Certified Instructor, you'll gain access to your Instructor dashboard. There you'll be able to start creating, editing, advertising, and promoting in-person seminars. You'll also be able to quickly get certified to provide online courses.

    • In addition to your ThetaHealing Practice, with Instructor Certification you may also start offering local in-person seminars to teach others the ThetaHealing method.

  • Teaching in-person

    • My Documents - You can find "My Documents" in the Student Dashboard under My ThetaLearning and in the Instructor Dashboard under Certifications.

      • Teaching Instructions: As you become certified in different Instructor courses, you'll receive instructions and tips on how to begin teaching your own students

      • Manuals and books: The manuals you will have access to through the website. To download and print for in-person or to email for online seminars. For the books we will need you to order them or send them an e-book. Don't worry, we'll help remind you via email. Also, the cost of the books to the students is included with the seminar fee.

  • Event spaces:

    • You want to make sure you have space for the students to move around and practice different exercises. You want to make sure they are safe, comfortable and follow city, country requirements.

  • What is a Teachers Assistant and how to apply to be a Teachers Assistant?

    • A Teachers Assistant is someone who has already taken the Instructors Seminar and is there to assist students when Vianna breaks into groups for exercises.

      To apply for a Teachers Assistant click here

  • What percentage of my sessions and seminars does ThetaHealing take? ThetaHealing is a member community, whatever you earn is yours. We take nothing. Our only charges are website membership and seminar fees. The rest is up to you.

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