Practitioner Dashboard Overview
Accessing your Dashboard (Requires Log-in)
My Practitioner Dashboard
Clicking on Practitioner Dashboard and Student Dashboard toggles between the two dashboards and views.
This page lets you edit aspects of your Practitioner Profile page, your profile plan, and preview your profile page.
At the top of the page
you'll find a toggle to make your personal Practitioner Profile either private and unlisted or to make it public and have it appear in ThetaHealer's Search.
You can view and make changes to your ThetaHealing Profile Plan
The Free/Basic Profile is where all Practitioners start. It has the most limited number of options for including information about your Practice and yourself. There are also the Standard, Sapphire, and Diamond levels of ThetaHealing Profile Subscription that allow you to add more information about yourself and advertise your services on the site.
And see a preview of your profile page.
Editing Contact Information
Communication/Message Center
Notifications - Recent activity, receipts, and communications alerts
Practitioner Resources
My Account/ Privacy & Preferences