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Website Updates
Written by ThetaHealing Headquarters
Updated over 3 months ago

Update as of 1/19/2023

Hey Everyone,

I wanted to give you an update on the site. First off, thank you so much for your patience and your support during this launch. We have spent the last 2 months testing and fixing it in hopes this would be a smooth transition, but we ran into a few unforeseen things with the launch that threw things off a bit, but we are dedicated to fixing issues as fast as possible.

  1. Our database import is finally complete. There were several practitioners and instructors with duplicate accounts on the old site, but we have resolved this.

    • As long as you did not have a duplicate account your profile should be complete, including online teaching.

    • If you had a duplicate account with the same email, the system is merging the profiles together. It is taking the profile with most certifications as the main profile. You may need to reset your password which you can do on the forgot your password link.

    • If you have a duplicate account with 2 different emails we will need to manually merge them so reach out to us if you have problems with missing your certifications, accessing your profile, or resetting your password.

  2. Logging In - Your login is your email on and the password is the same as before. If you are not sure you can reset it on the forgot password link or reach out to us.

  3. Your Location: The new search engine on the new site requires a different format for your Location. In order to optimize it, please log into your profile and edit your location - this will allow you to be more searchable.

  4. Certificates for students- They are just fixing this for you to be able to send your students a certificate, but currently if you mark the student as complete then they can log in and print their certificate themselves.

    • Both In-Person and Online certificates have a computer generated signature on them and you as a teacher when teaching in-person can choose to sign them a second time with a real signature. It looks great right above the Signature and I personally like to sign right above the date and location. As if signing a painting.

  5. Upgraded Profiles: If you had an upgraded account on the old many accounts transferred over already and the rest will be transferred in the next few days to the new site.

  6. Registering of students: In order to ensure we are complying with all regulations in all countries students will have to create an account and agree to terms and conditions to the site and Practitioner Agreement. They then sign in to your class with their profile instead of you adding them manually. This also helps to make the students aware of the prerequisites. To get the link to send to your students to register

    • In your account click instructor dashboard

    • click on the seminars

    • Then click on the class you want students to register for and right there on the dashboard you will find a link to send them.

    • Please click here for video

  7. Emails- Our emails were down for a few days they are resolved and working properly. There is a new chat bot on the bottom of the website that has many support articles as well as throughout the day our support team LIVE. Please feel free to use this chat bot for support.

We know the last week with the website has been an inconvenience and we truly appreciate all your support and information and especially your patience, thank you for this. The bugs we are fixing worked prior to launch so we were a little surprised they all appeared. This has been a great moment for belief work and team work to solve as quickly as possible.

We will keep you posted with more updates shortly and videos on how to use the new site.

Love and Gratitude

ThetaHealing Headquarters

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