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ThetaHealing profile not showing in search

Is your profile not pulling up in search or showing you at strange locations? Make certain your profile is set up correctly.

Written by ThetaHealing Headquarters
Updated over 3 months ago

If your profile can not be found in the ThetaHealer Search, it could be due to a few reasons.

  • Your account is Private (not shown on the front end)

  • Your locations needs to be updated

  • Restricted access and you need to contact ThetaHealing Headquarters Directly.

Below you can find a step by step guide to help you ensure your profile settings are correct and adjusted to the new website. Certain things need to be edited on the new website to have a more accurate search level.

Make sure that your profile complete and that all details are entered correctly.

Your Account is PRIVATE

Step 1:
Open your profile on

Step 2: Practitioner

Open “Profile”

Step 2: Instructor
Open “Profile”

Step 3:
Check if your Profile is Private or Public

Private = Only you can see your profile

Public = Your Profile can be found in the ThetaHealer Search

Step 4:
If you like to be found, change your profile setting to Public

Your locations needs to be updated

Step 5:

Your location has been transferred from the old side. Due to the new search engine we recommend you strongly to re-enter your location, to increase accuracy. Click on the pen to open Edit.

Step 6:

Here you can add up to 3 locations. Add your location(s) and press SAVE.

These settings are necessary to increase the accuracy of you appearing in the search.

If you like to be more prominent on the Website and in the search you can subscribe for Featured ThetaHealer or upgrade your profile plan.

Restricted access and you need to contact ThetaHealing Headquarters Directly.

If you have done both of these things and are still have issues, please reach out to us to help you.

Thank you so much for taking the time to update your account.

Love and Gratitude

ThetaHealing Headquarters

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