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MAP Pricing Guidelines
Written by ThetaHealing Headquarters
Updated over 2 months ago

As a ThetaHealing Instructor you agree to follow the MAP Pricing (Minimum Advertised Price) when advertising all ThetaHealing Seminars.

The MAP pricing is the lowest advertised price an instructor is allowed to use when teaching a seminar. You can offer scholarships and put scholarships available on advertisements, but you can not advertise the price for lower than the MAP Pricing.

When you create a seminar in your account you will see 2 fields for pricing.

  • Map Pricing - which is where you put the cost of the seminar following the pricing below.

  • Registration Fee- this is the fee you add on top of the MAP pricing to cover materials, venue if needed, food for breaks if needed.

Select the currency for the country you are teaching in. The system will default to the MAP Pricing for that currency. Remember you can alway charge more, but you cannot charge less. If you can't find your currency on Map Pricing list, please follow the US guidelines or contact us.

How to advertise Scholarships

Vianna and THInK believe in giving back and we encourage our instructors and practitioners to as well. Partial Scholarships are recommended so there is some type of energy exchange.

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