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ThetaHealing® Trademark Guidelines
Written by ThetaHealing Headquarters
Updated over 2 months ago

Check out our Trademark Video for Practitioners. Instructors are permitted to show this to their students at a Practitioners Seminar

More Information:

Use of the Brand name in Domains, Associations or Social Media

Seminar promotion on Social Media

Webinars and YouTube Videos

More details about Promotion and Promotion Material

Use of the Brand name in Domains, Associations or Social Media

Am I allowed to put the ThetaHealing Technique on my Website?

Yes, you can make a section on your website, explaining the ThetaHealing Technique. You can also promote the yourself as a ThetaHealing Practitioner or Instructors and promote your seminars on your website if you are an instructor.

On the official ThetaHealing Site, when you log in with your personal details, you can find pictures and information about the promotion on your website.

You need to have ThetaHealing on its own page, especially if you offer other techniques. Each technique should have its own page and description. This way it is not misleading to consumers and honors all training you have.

Make sure you use the ® symbol next to ThetaHealing on its Menu page and the first time it is mentioned on each page of your website.

What do I have to add to my Content and how do I write about ThetaHealing?

The® symbol

When you first mention the ThetaHealing Technique, use the® symbol with the initial reference on each page. It does not need to be used with every mention of ThetaHealing thereafter.

Using the word ThetaHealing:

When talking about the ThetaHealing Technique, it is important to use it as an Adjective and not a Noun or verb.

Example: "The ThetaHealing Technique is a meditation technique" is PROPER v. "ThetaHealing is a meditation technique" is IMPROPER.


You need to have a separate page for ThetaHealing on your website. It should be titled the ThetaHealing® Technique and use a similar description as below. This page can be the only ThetaHealing information you have. Make sure your website does re-direct traffic back to "" with links to your seminars, profile and official Descriptions. This will help your search ratings. If you practice other healing or similar techniques, you need to list them on a separate page NOT on the same page as the description for the ThetaHealing technique.

Disclaimer for Footer

You will want to make sure you put on the bottom of your site "ThetaHealing® and ThetaHealer® are registered trademarks of THInK at" Every link must redirect traffic back to our website as the owner and licensor of the ThetaHealing trademarks, copyrights and modality.

Logos for Website

You can use the following logos on your site and link back to Additional logos must be purchased and licensed to use. When using the logos you cannot make your website look like the official site. The logos can be used on a page talking about ThetaHealing and linked back to ThetaHealing. It cannot be on the top of your website as this is misleading to users.

Approved Logos to use

Description examples for your Website and Promotion.

Description example: What is the ThetaHealing® technique?

The ThetaHealing meditation technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health. Her original book details her personal healing journey and her connection to the Creator utilizing her meditation technique.

The ThetaHealing technique is a meditation technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy with the purpose of improvement in mind, body and spirit while getting closer to the Creator of All That Is. It is a focused prayer to the Creator and allows you to train your mind, body and spirit to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing Technique creates a positive lifestyle.

The ThetaHealing technique is always taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine. It teaches how to put to use one's own natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work.” We believe by focused prayer utilizing a “Theta” and "delta" brainwave (incorporating physics and quantum physics), you can actually witness the Creator Of All That Is create instantaneous physical and emotional wellbeing. We have learned that through the ThetaHealing Technique intuitive abilities can be used to bring about spontaneous changes and physical and emotional wellbeing.

To Learn more about the ThetaHealing technique, visit

Approved Description examples:

My name is ______ and I am a Certified ThetaHealer®. I have completed the Basic DNA and Advanced DNA seminars in the ThetaHealing® technique....


My name is _______ and i am a certified in the ThetaHealing® technique as a Basic and Advanced Practitioner. I have been doing the ThetaHealing technique .... I found the ThetaHealing technique....

(Link the word ThetaHealer or ThetaHealing Practitioner back to your profile page on This will help you with google rankings and allow people to see you really are a Certified ThetaHealer.)

In your biography about yourself, you can talk about your background on a separate page from the ThetaHealing page on your site.

Disclaimer If you have the ThetaHealing® technique on your site, you need to add the following disclaimer on the bottom of the page or the footer of the site.

Am I allowed to use ThetaHealing in my domain name?

A domain name with ThetaHealing or a modification/translation of ThetaHealing is a direct violation according to the trademark agreements.

The only approved domain with ThetaHealing in it is your profile domain on

We recommend you picking a name that works for your business. Some examples: "" or "Loveandlight" etc.

AS OF 2014, NO MORE DOMAIN NAME, SOCIAL MEDIA TITLES, TWITTER, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, etc. NAMES CAN INCLUDE OUR "THETAHEALING" trademarks. They must be a different name and your company name or your personal name only.

If you have the word mark "THETAHEALING" in your domain name prior to 2009 and it did not include a city, country, state, continent, etc in the domain and you have permission to use that domain name from THInK, your website can only offer the ThetaHealing Technique. It can not offer ANY other healing or similar techniques, services, etc. that would confuse a consumer as to the services offered under the ThetaHealing trademarks.

Am I allowed to use ThetaHealing in Title of a Facebook Group or Site?

A Facebook Group or other social media groups using the ThetaHealing Trademark is not allowed. You can create a page unique to you and in the description put that you are a certified ThetaHealing Practitioner, Instructor, Master, and Certificate of Science.

AS OF 2014, NO MORE DOMAIN NAME, SOCIAL MEDIA TITLES, TWITTER, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, etc. NAMES CAN INCLUDE OUR "THETAHEALING" trademarks. They must be a different name and your company name or your personal name only.

Am I allowed to use School, Association, Group, with ThetaHealing in Title?

A School, Association or Group using the ThetaHealing Trademark is not allowed. Anyone can have a School or association as long as you follow your state/country guidelines and choose a name unique to you, not including ThetaHealing in the name.

As of 2014, NO MORE ASSOCIATIONS, GROUPS, BUSINESS NAMES, FOUNDATIONS, ETC. can use our "THETA HEALING" trademarks. All current use is being reviewed and those individuals will be contacted

Seminar promotion on Social Media

Can I promote my seminars on Facebook or any other social Media?

Yes, you can create a Facebook Event, using the seminar names such as; ThetaHealing Basic DNA Seminar or whatever other Seminar you are certified to teach. You can also use other Social media to promote your upcoming seminars.

Webinars and YouTube Videos

Can I teach a seminar online or by phone?

If you are a certified Online Instructor through ThetaHealing Headquarters, have your online teaching contract and zoom license through THInK you can teach Online following the online guidelines.

Can I do Webinars or YouTube Videos

If you would like to do Webinars with your students make sure you do not include ThetaHealing in your Promotion, nor in the title of your Webinar.

If you like to do ThetaHealing Introductions you can do so, if you follow the following points:

  • Use these Titles (If you like to have an additional Title Contact THInK for Approval):

  • My experience with ThetaHealing Technique

  • “Example person” introduces to the ThetaHealing Technique created by Vianna Stibal

  • State clearly in the description and in the video, that ThetaHealing was created by Vianna Stibal.

  • Use the name ThetaHealing as a Brand name, not as your company name.

  • Put into the description that you are an independent certified ThetaHealing Instructor.

  • Put into the description that ThetaHealing is a Trademark owned by THInK and Vianna Stibal.

Am I allowed to record Videos/ Webinar using the ThetaHealing Meditation?

It is not allowed to record any video or meditation, using the ThetaHealing Trademark or the ThetaHealing Meditation. If you would like to request a meditation by Vianna to use on your site you may contact us.

More details about Promotion and Promotion Material

Am I allowed to give a discount for Seminars?

There is an official Minimum Advertising Pricing (MAP Pricing) on all ThetaHealing Seminars. You find can find them on the official ThetaHealing Website.
This minimum advertising price is the lowest advertised allowed in any of your promotions. Instructors can offer scholarships and promote, that scholarships are available, but the Seminar must be promoted by the minimum advertised price.

How can I make a good Flyer for my Seminars?

There are official brochures and flyers of ThetaHealing available to order; these can also be personalized by us for you.

A ThetaHealing flyer has to exclusively contain ThetaHealing Seminars.

How do I create the promotion for multiple Techniques in one flyer with the ThetaHealing Trademark?

If you are offering multiple techniques you will need to have separate flyers. You cannot mix it with other techniques.

Am I allowed to list other ThetaHealing Practitioners or Instructors on my page?

If you are sharing an office with another Practitioner and Instructor you can have them on your website.

A platform listing ThetaHealing Practitioners and Instructors (other than yourself) is misleading to consumers. The only approved platform for ThetaHealing Practitioners is and language websites. We do not authorize any type of multi-level marketing or up-charging of services by anyone under the ThetaHealing Trademark and modality.

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